They Hate Freedom!!

The Constitution of the United States of America is under attack harder than ever before. At every turn those in elected power spew their hatred for freedom and the power of “We The People”. Even to the point of using other countries as an example. Our Constitution states that “We The People” have the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to tear down our government if it is corrupt and rebuild a new one. But the Elites disagree.

One such thing is currently happening in Myanmar, Burma. A Parliamentary Republic, Burma had it’s share of election fraud. After the fraud was exposed the military came in and took over, arresting the suspected parties. As of now, until the trial and investigations are done the military remains in control; keeping order and peace. They are upholding and defending their people and Constitution from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Does all of this sound eerily familiar? Alleged voter fraud in an election, THE MILITARY HONORING THEIR OATH!! Hmmm, Our Constitution speaks of this too. Our country would be the first to back their election integrity efforts, right? Not the Biden Administration, they threaten to attack Burma if they don’t return the corruption to power. The Elites in Washington D.C. condemn a CONSTITUIONAL Act as a coup. Again, is all of this sounding way too familiar?

Biden and his Constitution hating lackeys go to extensive lengths to express their hatred for TRUTH, INTEGRITY, and THE RULE OF LAW. They are pushing for no voter I.D. and universal mail in ballots to make the fraud more easily perpetrated. So naturally they would condemn a country whose military is defending their elections. What the American Military should’ve done in the 2020 election. Again showing themselves to be guilty of high crimes of treason!

As a Constitutional Republic loving American I respect what the Burma Military is doing and this “President” needs to stop his attack on integrity and freedom. OUR MILITARY needs to take note. The evidence is there…HONOR YOUR OATH!! The Burma military is not performing a coup…It is the most CONSTITUTIONAL thing they could’ve done. It is what our military was supposed to do in our corrupt elections. Defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States and it’s people from All Enemies Foreign and Domestic.

Naturally Biden, Pelosi and the corrupt lot of the American government would be apposed to a legitimate take over by the Burma peoples to ensure election integrity. They’ve been apposed to election integrity, or any integrity or accountability for that matter. They are trying to change supreme court rules, add a state or two. They killed 100,000 jobs on the first day of office. They cancelled the “reduced federal spending bill” allowing them to spend another 30 billion a year. They write “American Covid relief bills” that send more money to other countries than our own.

Biden threatens war if the Burma military does not stand down…why? They can not let the American peoples see a Military Honoring Their Oath…”We The People” may expect it next. The fact of the matter is “WE THE PEOPLE” DEMAND TO SEE IT HERE!! The only way to fix OUR REPUBLIC is for our military to step up and fix it…Take a page from the Burma Military… Honor Your Oath!!! As for the treasonous in Washington D.C., they have all signed their sedition papers with the Unconstitutional impeachments, refusal to see cases and ties to foreign governments. We have Biden on video admitting how he bribed the Ukrainian government for family benefit. They have all proven themselves treasonous, even to talks of defunding our military.

In closing I pray that our Constitutional Republic is repaired. I pray the Burma find justice and hope Biden’s Administration is unsuccessful at transforming our country into the socialist society they envision. May the Biden administration be thwarted in their attempt to control or sway the Burma military. May the Burma restore their republic as may “We the People”. May Americans open their eyes to the truth that we are a Constitutional Republic with Democratic principles. Not a Constitutional Democracy…If you do not know the difference, please lean it. May our military leaders open their eyes and make the arrests to restore our Republic. It’s Constitutional it is not a coup! #BURMANOTACOUP


One thought on “BREAKING NEWS (Burma)!

  1. The military is already out there they should be stopping this. I have always said there is treason due to the fact Biden had gone before China after the illegitimate inauguration. He and Biden have millions tied up with China and Russia. Why do they get off when Trump was impeached for a false collusion. How can this be the way Americans treat the other side? It should be tit for tat! With Biden its quid pro quo. Eye for an eye. We want to see some action against Biden for his treason.

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