The Country Today and Family Life

It is no secret that we, as a country are headed into uncharted waters. It use to be only Christians were constantly under attack. Which biblically speaking this was to be expected, so humbly the Christians took the hit right on the cheek (totally misinterpreting the scripture, mind you). Repeatedly, the whole time not realizing that this was the beginning of woes. Now, our families are under attack for political & religious views. Our children are brainwashed in public schools to disobey their parents and follow that which is a lie. Families are divided, some are blaming each other due to the fear of being attacked by the left. Others hide in fear regretting they ever became conservative because NOW they understand the gravity of Defending The Constitution from All Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Families fear for the worst, how do we respond, what do we tell our children, how do we prepare, how do we defend from the worst possible scenario, and what would that look like?

Our Children

Many, due to the political fear mongering of the pandemic have already pulled their children from public schools. We pulled ours because it gave us a chance to try at homeschooling. We’ve noticed the selective education provided by public schools for years with our oldest two. Them doing mock votes during election years, told by teachers why this politician is the best and that one isn’t. The history lessons teaching how “the white man” was racist and America was a country built on racism. Now children are literally taught to disobey their parents, traditions, and beliefs. In homeschooling we have had the pleasure to be an active participant in our children’s education. During American History we were able to focus on the truth of the founding of our nation. All of our founding documents and the amendments that were made.

Due to the (very public) state of our union, my children have discerned for themselves, (two are adults) that there are many Unconstitutional acts being perpetuated within our country. The youngest stated, ” We’re in a civil war, this is what our framers warned against, correct?” . What he is referring to is the way the British treated the colonists, the reason for the revolutionary war. Our founders feared our government being corrupted and controlled by a one party system. Hence the reason of the separation of powers. So, what does a parent say? “Yes son, we are.”? My answer was another question, “What makes you say that?”. He then bombarded me with everything he’s been watching in social media. I was proud, he watches everything and uses logic to make his discernment. But still, I couldn’t find any other answer than, “It does look it’s headed that way.”. Was it the proper answer? Not sure, this will be revisited.

Our Families

The traditional family unit is called “Nuclear” and is frowned upon by most on the left. The traditional Mother, Father, and two children being ousted as a problem. Racist, Sexist, and bigamist… constantly attacked, God forbid you are white. Children are told to choose their sex in school as early as 2nd grade in some areas. That if their families disagree then they are bigots or homophobes. Confusing the populous, dividing the family unit. Families that started liberal and changed to conservative in Obama’s era are now questioning their choice or divided due to the attacks from social and mainstream media. Sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers blocking each other. Americans drawing lines. Husbands blaming wives for their conservative or liberal views. Wives blaming husbands because they never would’ve became conservative if it wasn’t for their spouse. Lines being drawn between those willing to fight and those too scared to.

Being conservative places you on a list now, that’s the sad truth. Being a retired Vet places you on a list, being a civilian emergency responder places you on a list. Being a prepper or off-the-grid family places you on a list. Homeschooling your children places you on a list, refusing vaccination places you on a list. The government overreach has been going on for 100 years now if not more. This however is the worst it’s been. Conservatives have a hard decision to make, how dedicated are you. Your very life depends on your decision. This is bigger than your job, your life. This is our children’s future. Hold your ground! If you became conservative, remind yourself why in the first place. It wasn’t because of your spouse, something they said made sense. Or are you not your own person? Don’t give up, pray… speak out… be brave… Your name may not be in the history books but your children will always have a good story to tell.

What to do/ Worst Possible Scenario

Everyone’s worst possible scenario varies but one thing it entails (Worst Case Scenario) is a physical conflict within the states. An actual, physical civil war. So what would that look like? It wouldn’t be pretty especially since the federal government watered down the 2nd amendment to the point where the states no longer have an equally powerful Militia/ Military force separated from the federal government. Plus they outlawed “military style” weapons which was also abhorrent to the 2nd. For more proof read the federalist paper #49 on the true intent of the Militia/ State run military.

Militias would respond to government insurrection and treason, and due to the lack of resources they would be slaughtered and painted as “White Supremacist’s Extremist” or a “Terrorist” cell… For standing up for the Oath. Think I’m wrong? Look at the Oath Keepers. Thank God they didn’t lose their lives. Some believe the worst is already happening hence why guns and ammo are flying off the shelves. People are preparing in their own ways. Some are becoming more self-sufficient, stocking up on dry goods. Others are planning their bug out route. Whilst some have already bugged out. How do we truly prepare and defend from this attack? We most likely can’t, it is up to those in power to fix what is wronged. But if we can, I know the Patriotic Constitutional Conservative American will find a way.


True Americans have a determination and love for true freedom away from government rule. This is why the queen and latter king of England couldn’t control the settlers and why our government can’t control us now. We refuse to be tied down and told we can’t. Our Republic will be restored, I do have faith in that… I’m not sure anything can truly kill the American Spirit. The biggest fight we have is making sure the left doesn’t paralyze the American spirit with fear. If we do not speak out and fix this…no one will. So until all is good. Make plans and prepare for the worst. Maybe Texas will be the heroes of the Republic leading the charge with Texit. Teach your children why it is important to stand for the truth no matter the attacks flung your way. Be strong in the Lord Eph 6:10-20. God Bless Patriots

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